
Blog Posts

Getting Started

Well, let's get started on this journey together. As a new blog reader, you should know some things about me. Why am I writing this blog in the first place? The answer to this question is manyfold, but the most straightforward answer is that I love to travel, and as of late, I have been able to do more of it than I had done over a lifetime lived for someone else. While I have been able to travel for my work, I have also gotten to travel internationally for pleasure. I have traveled extensively domestically in the United States and to global destinations. I have not only wanted to take pictures and videos of those experiences but also share my love and passion for travel and seeing the world, whether it’s a weekend getaway to another city in the state or province or a month abroad on a different continent. I want to share that experience with you, my reader. I love to explore the world around me, and I enjoy it with others as well.

Experiences to Share

Last year, I saw three different continents in about six months, and I loved that I had accomplished an extraordinary feat, even on a tight budget. While most of this was for work, I managed to squeeze in some travel time to see the sites or visit places off the beaten path. This involved attending a football match in Brazil and visiting some tourist sites along the road in South Africa, but each of these experiences has changed me and opened my eyes to the simplest of things: spending time with new friends. I hope to share these in future posts as I review some of the things I have learned along the way. I can also share the helpful hints that made my travels better or without as many hiccups as possible. Starting the Journey Together I hope you stay tuned as we start this journey together, and I hope to have some fantastic travel experiences I can share with you and the world. 2025 will be a tremendous year, and I look forward to sharing this experience with all of you.